About Me
I first came up with the idea of setting up my boutique when I was off work on my maternity leave. I wanted to have a business that would give me an extra income to support Rosie and hopefully something we could look to eventually do together.
The other reason for setting up the boutique (the main reason close to my heart) is that I wanted to give back and help a trust/charity who helped me when I needed it. Before I had Rosie, I suffered an ectopic pregnancy in December 2020. This nearly resulted in me nearly losing my life due to internal bleeding.
Before my Ectopic, I never really heard of them or knew what they where. I didn't realize the seriousness of this condition and also the fact that it usually happens so early on in a pregnancy it is hard to detect until sometimes the damage has been done.
Having suffered this experience, I want to be able to support the only registered Ectopic Pregnancy charity to get the awareness out. I didn't receive any counselling or support after my Ectopic and was left to 'get on with it', luckily, I had my little miracle Rosie 10 months later.
10% on every order will be donated to this charity so that it has more resources available to support women who have sadly suffered an ectopic.